RA MA's 11th Birthday celebration | Friday, April 19


Guru Jagat

Practice with the Founder of RA MA Institute. Guru Jagat’s classes include dynamic Dharma talks and Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.
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Guru Jagat
1 hr 20 min

In Case of Emergency

Tune into your Soul with Regal Yoga

Working on the Soul Body and the Etheric Space. A soul frequency. When we are not connected into it, we forget that we have dignity, and start to act more animalistic.

Our biggest problem as a world is that women are bitchy to other women, in their own and to other generations. Yogi Bhajan said women are the ones who oppress women and it's true. By the way, the facade of leisure has convinced everyone that femininity means weakness, but women are actually 16x stronger than men (according to Yogi Bhajan), and are highly capable at organizing resources and rolling their sleeves up and getting their hands dirty.

You want to always be prepared (the Girl Scout motto!) for natural and other disasters. Every household needs emergency supplies (long-term food, water, safety blankets, lots of cash in case electric grids go down, etc.) as well as emergency plans that the whole family is trained on. Everyone should be trained in things like CPR, what to do in emergencies, self-defense, deescalation, how to handle environmental emergencies if driving, etc. and be prepared materially for them. Hook into your neighbors and community pods for resources and help them.

We are truly all always in it together.  As yogis, we plug into life and are as prepared for the future in a positive way as possible. You should feel good about taking care of yourself, your family, neighbors and community in this way.

Tune in and Global RA MA Meditations: Intelligence Meditation and Addiction Meditation (12:18) followed by Kundalini Yoga Set.  22-Minute Deep Meditation (54:00), Mantra: Har


Guru Jagat
1 hr 25 min

O Venus, As She Smiles Among Us

Kumari kisses: Special Venus Gate Class

As a yogi, you have a reflexive relationship with the stars. Not only does their energy affect you (like giant crystals), but your energy affects them.

Venus gates are “Kumari kisses,” when the moon and Venus are conjunct. They are gates to amplify love and harmony.

Astrology can be confusing because there are many different types of systems. One way to begin to look at it is that they refer to different things in the known universe. There are lots of interesting ways to think about things and it’s always good to open up the mind with new ideas as long as you don’t get too confused. You’re not obligated to learn about astrology if you don’t want to; the whole point of yoga is to command energy. Basic astrological definition helps but it’s got absolutely nothing on you living a positive, fulfilled, happy, functional life.

Negativity is completely irrational!

There are infinite opportunities everywhere. You don’t need to be anything but a realist, which gives you optimism if your eyes are open. “Love & light” was a pretty obnoxious New Age shorthand for peoples’ excitement and satisfaction at the relief of realizing & reach group consciousness around everything’s gonna be okay. You can be more sober and real than that.

Tune in (20:06). Begin Global RA MA Meditations: Intelligence Meditation and Addiction Meditation, followed by heavy pranayama Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with Ong Sang Wahe Guru.

Guru Jagat
1 hr 16 min

Lower Chakra Balance

Balancing the Lower Chakras

Perversion is when you’re not straight (as in straightforward), get all twisted, and not yourself. All we want is for you to be your natural, empowered, and balanced self.

When you have the balanced lower chakras, because they go out of balance quickly because of the weakness in the system. But when they are balanced, you just need to maintain that.  It gets the nervous system stronger. All the breath gets the nervous system stronger, which makes the lower chakras balanced.  Everything with the navel sets the chakras. Then it gives you nobility to be in your power, in your sexuality, without all that stuff that is quite normal around the creativity, and lower chakra issues: sexuality, creativity, and all the blocks there.

The way the nervous system is built since utero has thses twist and turns. We have the frequency medicine to clean these out. Whether they are traumas or suppression, of your sensuality, your creativity, sexuality, prosperity, it's all the same... your success. All of it.  The twist of this energy, so many people in this archetypal energy, doesn't know what to do with it.

So you have the technology to balance the lower chakras. Which, we will be going into deeper in this class.

Tune in (7:48). Begin Global RA MA Meditations: Intelligence Meditation and Addiction Meditation.

Deep Discussion (26:35) on Sex and the lower Chakras.

Begin with Cat Cow (40:00), and a lower Chakra Kundalini Set with Gong Relaxation

Guru Jagat
1 hr 17 min

4th Day of the Moon

Resetting the Glandular System

Loving yourself is what gives you the ability to navigate life.

It’s crucial, necessary and important for children who have never tried drugs yet to at least hear once, somewhere, that drugs are actually negative. Literally 100% of the education and advertising out there is either moralistic/dogmatic (i.e. fear-mongering and not fully explaining what the physical dangers are: the equivalent of abstinence-only education), or actively pro, positive, pushy and anti-fact: excusing drug abuse as positive with health benefits or as “spiritual experiences.” If you’ve ever done drugs, please keep scrolling because no one wants you to feel bad; that’s not a helpful way to navigate your wonderful and  blessed future.

The issue with drugs is that they take you out of your own hands; the number of people who have accidental overdoses or unintentionally harm themselves or others is unbelievably sad, tragic and astonishing for themselves and everyone around them. There’s nothing recreational about hurting yourself and leaving children, friends and family behind.

As a yogi, you become extremely sensitive to internal and external energies. Yoga is essentially the science of manipulating your internal energy. This is a very exact and precise system of moving energy and substances just impede your future yogic progress in practice, point-blank.

There’s a self-sensitivity and gentleness we’re tuning into with yoga practice and trying to allow a space for. Be nice to yourself. Then be nicer to yourself. We want to create a space where being kind to yourself is vindicated and celebrated, or at least accepted, unlike in the rest of the world where it is actively punished.

Tune in (12:15), 2021 Global RA MA Meditations: Intelligence Meditation and Addiction Meditation, followed by Yoga. 11-Minute Meditation (53:08).

Guru Jagat
2 hrs 27 min

Radiance Technologies

Beauty tactics & training. Immense Grace workshop.

Yogi Bhajan, who brought kundalini yoga to the world starting in the 1960s, said that health was just beauty. It is an outer reflection of proper nutrition & good physical condition. Things like rosy cheeks or clear skin are just signs of well-functioning circulation or a parasympathetic nervous system, etc.

Therefore, the makeup/beauty industry is just an outer attempt to demonstrate inner health & arguably a waste of time. Your emotional health directly impacts your physical health, so spiritual values like peace, kindness, compassion & forgiveness just make you look hotter. That’s why beauty has been so glorified: it’s a sign of health on all levels.

As a kundalini yogi, you can learn to completely control & command your glandular system, health & emotions. Commanding your internal health & accepting your natural radiance.

Everything created by “God” or whatever you want to call it is impossibly beautiful, & we can live in vast daily appreciation of all that is.

The “Whole Foods” (not knocking Jeff Bezos) industrial complex is, as Mark Singleton puts it, “unchurched Protestant religiosity,” meaning that the wellness industry has overlaid the guilt complexes of leisure-class white femininity onto your health & wellness. Don’t feel guilty, learn how to feel better & then your health/beauty will really mean something.

Yogi Bhajan said if you just feel your feelings, they’ll leave in 15 seconds. Emotions are information. Repression is where problems come in. Our word for free feminine energy is “shakti” & it is essentially confidence.

Radiance comes from self-trust & being able to find your center,


Intelligence Meditation | Discussion |  Kundalini for the Skin Set | Gong Relaxation

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