Astrology for Beginners


An introduction to the basic principles of astrology – the Signs, Planets, and Houses. Spend time learning the archetypal language of the zodiac from fiery Aries to dreamy Pisces. Learn the structure and meaning of the zodiac wheel and the relationships of the planets in aspect to one another. Whether you are a complete novice or an advanced beginner, this course will explain the fundamentals of astrology in an easy and understandable way.

Astrology for Beginners will focus on the 12 signs and archetypes of the western tropical zodiac that originated with the Babylonians in the 1st millennium BCE. While the myths and meanings have evolved over thousands of years – and new planets discovered – our intention remains analogous. Astrology offers a deeper understanding of our own human experience as members of the cosmic universe.


Over four sessions, you will explore the cosmic alphabet and the energetic resonance of the planets in our galaxy and how each blueprint is within us and manifests in our lives.

Session 1:  Planets and Signs 
Start your astrological education by meeting the planets in our solar system and learn their unique energetic imprints. Begin to delve into the 12 signs of the zodiac and become familiar with the archetypes. 

Session 2:  Signs and Houses
Continue learning about the 12 signs and corresponding nature of our personalities and human experience. Explore the House system, the division of the sky to track our growth and daily lives.

Session 3:  Relationships between the Planets
Examine the planets in relation to each other and learn basic aspects such as conjunction, square, opposition, and more. Consider the moon cycle and the effects of planetary movements. 

Session 4:  Reading a Chart
Each chart grid is a broadcast that includes all the elements – planets, signs and houses. Review different charts and see how patterns are created. Learn how to read your own natal chart with current planetary transits. 

2 Bonus sessions including an Eclipse workshop with Joanna Pitt and Tashi Powers and Zoom Q&A and chart study (included in the full course only.

Start your journey into the language of the zodiac.

Presented April 16 – May 7, 2023
Infinite Replay

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    In Person, Virtual

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