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Large Crystal Cluster Amethyst Mini with Stand


Amethyst is a remarkable stone of spirituality and contentment; known for its metaphysical abilities to still the mind and inspire an enhanced meditative state. Its inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments. It creates a protective shield of Light. Amethyst stimulates the Third Eye and Crown Chakra, enhancing cognitive perception as well as accelerating the development of intuitive and psychic abilities. It initiates wisdom and greater understanding and is a stone of comfort for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Amethyst is one of the most spiritual stones, promoting love of the divine, giving insights into its true nature, and encouraging selflessness and spiritual wisdom.

Amethyst heals diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders, and disease of the digestive tract. Amethyst treats insomnia and brings restful sleep. Amethyst eases headaches, diseases of the brain and head.
Massages with amethyst will alleviate tension headaches.

It is good for the nerves and skin, and lowers high blood pressure


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