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This Week in Astrology: Full Moon in Capricorn Partial Lunar Eclipse


Thunder & Lightning…

It’s the Full Thunder Moon on Tuesday, per Native American lore (also known as the Buck Moon, Ripe Corn Moon, Hay Moon, and Old Moon). This one is especially thunderous with a powerful partial Lunar Eclipse – the Moon shining full in Capricorn opposite the Cancer Sun, with Earth between the two, casting its shadow over the Moon.

The eclipse begins at 1:43 pm PDT and reaches its maximum at 4:39 pm PDT. Viewable by much of the world (though not North America), those in Los Angeles will only be able to see a few minutes of the penumbral phase between moonrise at 6:20 pm PDT and the completion of the eclipse at 7:17 pm PDT.

Digging in the dirt…

This is the follow up to the July 2nd Solar Eclipse, bringing up an emotional response to what was uncovered there. Eclipses are like turning the lights out, then on again so that you can see things anew. The focus is on the life you’re creating here on planet Earth. Does it fulfill you? Bring you joy? Does it align with your soul’s purpose? Are you affecting the world and others in a positive way?

This eclipse is even more potent due to its alignments. The Capricorn Moon will have just passed over Saturn and Pluto (both in retrograde) and the South Node in the hours leading up to the eclipse. This pulls our attention into the foundation of what we’ve made of our lives. It digs into some deeper, darker energies as well, inviting us to confront our “shadow self” so that we may more fully recognize and understand our human-ness… and then to excavate so that we may release ourselves from old patterning and that which would hinder our future growth and reach.

The opposition of the lunar stellium to the solar Cancer stellium of Sun, Venus and North Node (with Mercury leaning back in from Leo), as well as a square to Pallas Athena in Libra brings up feelings of how we are to nurture ourselves and attend to our own truth even – and especially – as we are called toward our responsibilities to work, to others, and to our own reputation. WHO and HOW are we choosing to be in the world? WHAT and/or WHO calls to us and WHY? Watch for how you show up – both AS yourself and FOR yourself – in your encounters and obligations. The opportunity is to align your heart and action with your soul’s mission.

Oh, Captain, my Captain…

It’s an emotional time, with triple the impact of a Full Moon. But there’s also a “second wave” aspect to eclipses in that whatever change you undergo now may be followed up by another in the near future. Stay light on your feet. This is neither the time for manifesting nor creating something new; it’s about course correcting – recognizing where you are, and consulting your inner compass and those guides in the crow’s nest overhead so that you may better align with your life’s purpose on spaceship Earth.

The effects of the season will be felt for the next six months, and are setting the stage for all that will follow. With the Capricorn January 2020 Lunar Eclipse and Saturn/Pluto conjunction on the horizon, the transformation you undergo now will have a powerful impact going into next year.


Article by RA MA Crew member, True. True has been studying Astrology for over twenty years, and regularly integrates it into her Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes at RA MA Yoga Institute Venice, and on rama-tv.com. She finds it fascinating how everything connects – the cosmos, solar system, Earth and us – and loves to share, helping others to connect the dots in their own lives. True also offers virtual and in-person Astrology readings. To schedule a reading, email [email protected].

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