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Countdown to RA MA Festival Virtual


“[RA MA Festival is] Futuristic, Sci-Fi Movie, and the best concert you’ve ever been to all at once.”

This year’s RA MA Festival is off the charts. We’re bringing together thought leaders, artists, and musicians from around the world to create a forcefield of change with you.

We’re pushing the boundaries of what it means to be virtual and going non-stop for 3 days of 24-hour programming.

Plus, we’ve got some big surprises in store for the Summer Solstice x New Moon x Eclipse that happens while we’re together.

Here’s a preview of what’s in store:

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation to activate the summer solstice portal.

Live music performances from major artists (plus a special appearance from DJ Guru Jagat).

Overnight gong healing.

Morning day-breaker dance parties.

Panels and interviews with Guru Jagat & guests to expand your reality.

Interactive community spaces where you can connect with participants from around the globe.

…and so much more

This year we’re offering 3 different access options:

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