It’s a Full Moon in Gemini

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Happy Full Moon! 

The Full Moon is the 22nd of November 2018, Thanksgiving Day, at 9:39 PM Pacific time.  We have Leo rising, the Moon at 0°0′ Gemini and the Sun at 0°0′ Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter. Jupiter just also entered Sagittarius plus Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius.  Uranus is on the mid-heaven in the 9th house, which is Sagittareous’s house.

This means there are big changes in the air and lots of volatility in terms of what people want to feel and think.  People are definitely on the verge of some sort of Evolution Revolution. Is it an earthquake?  Is it a change in the weather?  Is it a change in our values?   Something is going for the next two weeks — so hold on to your hat, but it won’t be as difficult as the last few weeks, that’s for sure. 

Don’t worry, although there is a lot of change portended here, the Sagittarius energy is often more philosophical or legal in nature. This change is about overcoming limiting beliefs. 

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Tashi Powers

✨ Tashi Powers is a premier evolutionary astrologer. Catch her VASTU SERIES in person at RA MA Institute Venice and around the world on RA MA TV.  Learn more and book a private reading with Tashi here.


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