The Meaning of Mantra

The meaning of mantras

Mantras are like sound codes and are an effective method for re-tracking your mind towards happier and more prosperous thoughts. They act as high frequency codes and vibrations that can direct your full mind-body system in a positive direction.

The word mantra comes from the Sanskrit roots man – man, mind or mental being and tra – vibration or directional vibration. In essence, mantras are like mental waves that when chanted, direct the flow of your thoughts in a particular way.

In Kundalini Yoga technology, mantra is used to direct the thought stream to something of a higher, more aligned, destiny-frequency vibration…

Meaning of mantras physiological effects

The roof of the mouth has 86 meridian points, so  when  a mantra is chanted (Sat Nam for example), an alchemical process begins to take place from the specific way the tongue strikes the roof of the mouth after which you can  experience more serotonin and dopamine in your brain, along with more resonant and coherent brain wave patterns. All of this can be measured through means of Western science with the use of MRI sound technology.

These mantras do not directly translate to the English language, as they are vibrational frequencies beyond linguistic description. When chanted, the tongue hits the roof of the mouth in such a way that particular meridians are stimulated resulting in bio-neurological feedback.

Common mantras in Kundalini Yoga:

  • Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo – what we chant to tune-in every class
  • Aad Guray Nameh, Jugad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Gurudevay Nameh – the second part of our tune-in
  • Sat Nam
  • Sa Ta Na Ma
  • Wahe Guru
  • Ek Ong Kar, Sat Nam, Siri, Wahe Guru

“We all want activation into our highest self. You can use the science of mantra and sound to begin to clear the finite storage space of the subconscious mind. When you do this, it creates space for more creativity and flow of actual experience in life”

– Guru Jagat from “Invincible Living” 

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